Dingle Way – Cloghane to Fahamore

Yesterday’s path is to the right of the big cloud, in the shadow.

The last day – 10 kilometers along the beaches of Brandon Bay, from Fermoyle to Fahamore.  The day dawned bright and clear, just what we had hoped for on our mountain walk the day before.  We had planned a leisurely morning with a late start, so we were surprised to find a driver waiting for us at 9:30.  Apparently he had been told to pick another couple and us up at the same time, but no one had informed us of this.  (Our notes said we should arrange our ride when ready.). Oh well, we could be flexible, and the California couple only had to wait 20 minutes while we finished packing.

Fermoyle Beach

We were dropped off at Fermoyle Beach, with the tide low and still ebbing.  We walked the beach for several hours, frequently looking back at the mountain we came over in the cloud, and finally stopping to eat lunch in the dunes above.  There were few others on the sand – a few walkers, two cyclists, some surfers in wet suits, and seagulls and oyster catchers.

Lunch on the grass-covered dunes
Well earned rest

At the end of our trek there was no place to have a final beer by the beach, as both the village pub and cafe were closed, but when we got to our final guesthouse (near Kerry airport), their backyard gazebo by a trout stream sufficed. We had dinner in-house, packed for our early morning departure, and went to bed early.

Total  walked today – over 7 miles. Elevation gain – about 100 feet (a big change from yesterday’s 2200!)


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